Convert 10x your leads with a personalized signature

On Gmail, Automatically add 'Email typed by hand in XX minutes. Manually sent from City, Country’ to each of your emails to make them all unique.

MailTracker est utilisé par 100 000 équipes à travers le monde, et nous envoyons 3 millions d' e-mails par mois.

Increase your reply rate X2

We calculated our reply rate in the last 30 days, before the personalized signature and after. Our reply rate exceeds 75%, before it was above 40%

Increase reply rate with a personalized signature

We calculated our reply rate in the last 30 days, before the personalized signature and after. Our reply rate exceeds 75%, before it was above 40%

Spent time of what matters

You don't need to search for a lot of 'ice breakers' or personalization for your email. Go straight to the point with your prospect and let the signature do the rest of the job.

Make your signature unique

Our signature will be 100% unique for each of your emails. The signature includes the time you spent writing the email and the location from where it was sent. We also include a certified page that verifies this information.

More emails and more tracking

Adding the MailTracker signature also includes the most advanced email tracking available. Track not only the open rate, but also the click rate and the level of engagement for each of your emails.

The unique platform to get replieds

MailTracker is an advanced email tracking platform for Gmail that tracks and alerts you in real-time when your emails are opened.

Track all emails that you sent

Know exactly how many times your email was opened and if it was clicked. Determine the precise engagement level of your emails.

Être alerté en temps réel

Email alerts and Chrome notifications are the key to alert you at the right time when your prospects are opening your emails.

Certificate page

We create a unique page for each signature with additional information for your recipients that certifies the email as unique.

Follow-up reminder

Never miss an opportunity to follow up on an email with our reminders. Utilize the power of tracking to personalize your follow-up.

 Suivi des courriels pour Gmail

Vérifiez si vos emails ont été ouverts et suivez le nombre de fois où ils ont été consultés. Recevez des notifications lorsque vos emails sont lus.

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