How to Track Emails in Gmail: Step-by-Step Guide

Email Tracking
Denisa Lamaj
12 August 2024


Let’s talk about tracking emails in Gmail and why it matters.

Want to know if your emails are being read or just sitting unopened? Tracking emails in Gmail lets you see how your recipients are interacting with your messages, which can seriously improve your email strategies.

In this guide, I’ll break down the key features you should look for in an email tracking tool, suggest some of the best tools available, and then take you through the process of tracking emails in Gmail using MailTracker. 

What Can You Track with an Email Tracker?

Using email tracking tools, you can gather detailed information about how your recipients interact with your emails. Here’s a detailed look at the data you can track and how MailTracker provides these insights:

The Exact Time Your Email Was Opened

This feature logs the exact moment your recipient opens your email. It helps you understand when your emails are most likely to be read. 

For example, MailTracker records the precise time when the email was sent (date and time), the duration of time to open, and the date and time when it was read, giving you a clear picture of the best times to reach your audience.

MailTracker notification in Gmail

Chrome Notifications and Email Alerts 

You will receive real-time notifications via Chrome as soon as one of your emails is opened for the first time, enabling you to stay on top of your email communications and respond fast.

For example, if you use MailTracker, you will get Chrome notifications and email alerts. It notifies you when your email is opened for the first time and reminds you if it hasn’t been opened within 48 hours. This helps you keep track of your emails and take action if needed.

Email Open History

An email tracking tool lets you see how many times an email was opened and when. This feature will give you a detailed log of all opens, which can be useful for analyzing engagement. 

For example, MailTracker also sends you emails if your recent emails have not opened yet, so maybe it is time for you to send a reminder to your client.

MailTracker update

How to Enable Email Tracking for Gmail?

There are plenty of email tracking tools and software available, both free and paid, so you can choose the one that best fits your needs. Here is a list of popular email tracker alternatives to help you get started:

  1. MailTracker by Hunter
  2. Mailsuite
  3. Boomerang for Gmail
  4. RightInbox
  5. Hubspot Sales
  6. Email Finder by Snov

If you want to learn more about these apps, check out our articles on alternatives for each tool. These articles cover their features, pricing, reviews, and more, helping you make an informed decision before choosing an email tracker.

The steps below will show you how to use MailTracker, a free email tracker extension for Chrome that allows you to track up to 20 emails per month or have unlimited access trying paid plans. 

MailTracker is easy to add to your Chrome browser, offers privacy, and ensures your recipients won’t know their emails are being tracked.

Step 1: Install MailTracker

First, you need to install MailTracker. Visit the MailTracker Chrome Extension and click on "Add to Chrome" to begin the installation process (it takes a few seconds). Follow the on-screen instructions to add the extension to your browser. 

MailTracker Chrome Extension

Once installed, open your personal or business Gmail account and grant the necessary permissions for MailTracker to function properly. After this setup, you're ready to start tracking your emails.

Step 2: Enable Tracking

Click on the "Compose" button in your Gmail to compose a new email. In the compose window, you'll notice several icons at the bottom, including the MailTracker icon and a bell for notifications (make sure you turn the notifications on). These represent MailTracker's tracking feature. 

Send an Email in Gmail with MailTracker

Click on the tracking icon to enable email tracking for your message. This action ensures that MailTracker will monitor and collect data on when and how your email is opened by the recipient.

Step 3: Send Your Email

After enabling tracking, complete your email by adding the subject, recipient, and any CC and BCC recipients as needed. Double-check your message for any errors and ensure all attachments are included. Once you're satisfied with your email, click on the "Send" button. 

MailTracker will then activate and start monitoring your email's journey. When the recipient opens your email, MailTracker will begin collecting data on this interaction.

Step 4: Check Your Notifications

Once your email is sent, MailTracker will provide real-time notifications through Chrome whenever your email is opened or read in Gmail. You can view these notifications directly in your browser, allowing you to gather insights into your email's performance. 

Additionally, you can access a detailed report within MailTracker that includes information such as the number of times the email was opened, the location of the recipient, and the device used. This data helps you understand your email's impact and improve future email strategies.

You can also have a look at it here, as illustrated in the image below. The number 4 means that you already tracked 4 out of 20 emails and it means you still have 16 emails to track for a month. You can always upgrade to another plan for unlimited access. Have a look at MailTracker’s pricing and plans.

MailTracker for Gmail Plans

Why Should You Track Your Emails?

Email tracking can significantly improve your marketing efforts. Here are some key benefits:

It Saves You Time

By knowing if and when a recipient opens your email or clicks a link, you can prioritize follow-ups and avoid unnecessary emails. If someone shows interest, you can engage them more effectively.

It Helps You Write Better Emails

Tracking data provides insights into what works and what doesn’t. If emails with specific content or links perform better, you can tailor future emails accordingly.

Data Drives Business Success

Email tracking helps you better understand your audience. Using this data, you can create more targeted and effective email campaigns, leading to better engagement and results.

It Boosts Productivity

Knowing your email open rates and engagement levels helps you and your team focus on effective strategies. This leads to improved productivity, as efforts are directed toward successful practices.

Start Tracking Your Emails for Free with MailTracker

MailTracker offers a simple and effective way to track your Gmail emails for free. 

More than 100K users, including freelancers, consultants, and businesses, use MailTracker daily and give it a rate of 4.7/5 in Chrome reviews.

Start using it today to gain valuable insights and improve your email marketing strategy.

Email tracking for Gmail

Track every emails and documents that you’ll be send. Know exactly who and when your PDF are opened and never miss an opportunity to follow up again.

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