How to Mark Emails as Unread in Gmail (Desktop and Mobile)

Sales strategy
Denisa Lamaj
12 December 2024


Managing your email inbox can sometimes feel overwhelming, especially if you’re dealing with hundreds of messages.

Marking emails as unread is a simple way to stay organized, keep track of important messages, and revisit them later.

This guide will show you step-by-step instructions on how to mark emails as unread in Gmail on both desktop and mobile. Let's get started!

TL;DR: How to Mark Emails as Unread in Gmail

On Desktop:

  1. Open Gmail in your browser and log in.
  2. Select the email(s) by checking the box next to them.
  3. Click the envelope icon at the top toolbar to mark them as unread.

On Mobile (Android/iOS):

  1. Open the Gmail app and find the email(s).
  2. Manually: Open an email and tap the “mark unread” icon at the top.
  3. Swipe Action: Enable “Mark as read/unread” in Settings > Swipe actions, then swipe on emails.
  4. Multiple Emails: Select multiple emails by tapping their checkboxes, then tap the envelope icon next to the three-dot menu to "Mark as unread."
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Why Mark Emails as Unread?

Marking emails as unread is a simple and helpful way to keep your inbox organized and stay on top of important messages. Here are some reasons why it’s useful:

Reminder to Follow Up

Sometimes, you open an email but can’t reply immediately. Marking it as unread helps you remember to come back to it later.

For example, if you see an important email during a busy day, marking it as unread ensures you won’t forget to respond when you have time.

If you are using MailTracker, you get to use the “Follow-up Reminder” feature as illustrated in the image below. You can choose to get reminded in two days, five days or more.

reminder follow up mailtracker

Then, you will get an email like this, so you never miss an important email. If you need some ideas on follow-up emails, then have a look at our guide: 18 Follow-Up Email Templates

follow up reminder mailtracker

Try it today for free—add MailTracker to Chrome

Keep Important Emails Visible

Marking emails as unread helps you easily find and focus on the ones that matter most. It keeps them highlighted in your inbox.

For example, if you have multiple tasks or projects, you can use the unread marker to keep track of emails that need your immediate attention.

Organize Your Inbox

Marking emails as unread helps keep your inbox organized. If an email doesn’t need an immediate response, you can mark it unread and return it later.

For example, newsletters or reports can stay unread until you have time to review them. Less urgent messages can also remain unread until you're ready to address them.

How to Mark All Emails Unread in Gmail

We’ll walk you through the steps to mark emails as “unread” on both desktop and mobile, so you can choose the method that works best for you.

On Desktop:

1. Open Gmail in Your Browser

  • Go to Gmail and log in with your email credentials.

2. Select the Email(s) to Mark as Unread

  • Browse your inbox and find the email you want to mark as unread.
  • Hover over the email and click the small checkbox next to it.
mark email as unread in gmail on desktop
  • To mark multiple emails, locate the checkbox at the top left corner near the search bar.
  • Click the dropdown arrow next to it and choose "Read" to select all emails that have been opened.
gmail on desktop

3. Mark as Unread

  • At the top of the page, locate the toolbar and click on the envelope icon.
mark email as unread in gmail on desktop
  • This action will immediately mark your selected emails as unread.
mark email as unread in gmail on desktop

How to Mark Email as Unread in Gmail App (3 Methods)

The Gmail mobile app makes it simple to manage your inbox on the go. Here’s how to mark unread messages on your iOS or Android smartphone:

1. Manually Mark an Email as Unread

  • Open the Gmail app on your phone.
  • Find the Email: Look through your inbox to find the email you want to mark unread.
select email on gmail mobile
  • Tap the “Unread” Icon: Open the email and tap the “Mark as Unread” envelope icon at the top. The email will now appear unread.

2. Use Swipe Actions to Mark Emails as Unread

  • Open the app and log in to the Gmail account.
  • Open Settings: Tap the menu icon (three horizontal lines) in the top-left corner, scroll down, and choose "Settings."
gmail on mobile
  • Customize Inbox: In the "Inbox" section, tap "Inbox customizations."
customize inbox gmail
  • Set Swipe Actions: Here, select "Email swipe actions" and choose left or right swipe.
Mark Email as Unread in Gmail App
  • Save the Settings: Click on "Mark as read/unread" and click on "Done" to save the settings.
Mark Email as Unread in Gmail App
  • Swipe to Mark as Unread: Now, swipe on emails to mark them as unread.

3. Mark Multiple Emails as Unread

  • Open the Gmail app on your phone.
  • Select Emails: Tap the profile image or checkbox next to each email you want to mark unread.
mark as read gmail mobile
  • Tap the “Unread” Icon: Tap the “Mark as Unread” icon at the top to change the status of all selected emails.

These simple methods make it easy to mark messages as unread, helping you keep track of important messages.

Track When Emails are Unread/Read with MailTracker

Make managing your emails easier with MailTracker. 

Get alerts when your emails are opened, set reminders to follow up and enjoy helpful tools for Gmail.

Try it today for free—add MailTracker to Chrome and manage your emails better!

Email tracking for Gmail

Track every emails and documents that you’ll be send. Know exactly who and when your PDF are opened and never miss an opportunity to follow up again.

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