32 Email Subject Lines From Top Brands

Sales strategy
Denisa Lamaj
3 October 2024


If you're looking to improve your email strategy, one of the most important factors to focus on is your email subject line.

The subject line is the first thing people see when they receive an email, and a strong one can make the difference between someone opening your email or sending it straight to the trash.

In this article, we’ll look at 32 real-life email subject lines from successful brands that have boosted open rates and engagement.

If you are looking to create a sense of urgency, offer an exclusive deal, or play on the curiosity of your readers, these subject lines will increase your open rates.

Why Do Subject Lines Matter?

Your email’s subject line is the gateway to engagement. It’s the first and best opportunity to capture your audience’s attention, often determining whether your email will be opened or ignored.

In fact, according to HubSpot, 35% of email recipients open emails based solely on the subject line.

This is why writing subject lines that are both compelling and clear is critical to your email marketing success. With just a few words, your email subject line needs to stand out in a crowded inbox.

Whether you're crafting sales email subject lines, cold email campaign subject lines, or simply looking for catchy email subject lines to increase engagement, the right subject line can significantly boost your open rates.

Using the wrong words, however, or incorporating too many spam trigger words can hurt your email’s deliverability.

You can connect more effectively with your audience by focusing on personalized email subject lines and avoiding overly generic or promotional phrases.

For example, good email subject lines often create curiosity and urgency or provide a clear benefit to the recipient.

It’s important to remember that the best email subject lines are not just about being clever or catchy; they also need to be relevant to the content of your email.

When subject lines are well-aligned with the message inside, they build trust and anticipation, leading to better overall engagement.

The Importance of Measuring Email Performance

After crafting a great subject line, tracking the performance of your emails is key to understanding what works best for your audience.

Are your subject lines driving the open rates you need? Are some subject line examples performing better than others?

Measuring results allows you to refine your email strategy and continue improving. 

For example, one of the most important strategies is using the MailTracker extension for Chrome to track when someone opens your emails, reads your emails, and more.

Try MailTracker Now for Free!

32 Best Subject Lines for Higher Open Rates

Whether you're crafting a cold email subject line or looking for catchy email subject lines to spark curiosity, this list provides the best email subject lines for any campaign. Let's get started!

1. "You’re Missing Out on Points!"

Here is an example from Sephora, as illustrated in the image below. For example, if you run a loyalty or points-based program in your e-commerce business or a similar industry.

This type of subject line can encourage customers to engage with your rewards program by triggering FOMO (Fear of Missing Out).

Sephora newsletter subject line
Source: Milled

2. "Last Day to Save 20%"

This email subject line from Macy’s is an excellent way to create urgency and drive quick action.

If your business is offering a time-sensitive discount, you can use a similar approach by stating the deadline and offering a clear value proposition.

3. "We’ve Got Your Size!"

This example from ASOS demonstrates how you can use behavior-based targeting to personalize your emails.

If you know your customers’ preferences, sending tailored subject lines like this can make your email feel more relevant, increasing open rates.

4. "Feeling Hungry? Here’s 20% Off"

This kind of subject line is used by many brands like Uber Eats. It effectively combines an immediate need (hunger) with a discount.

If you’re running a business in the food or service industry, you can similarly address your customers' desires and offer a timely incentive.

Want to Track Your Subject Lines?

Curious how your subject lines perform? Use the MailTracker Chrome extension to monitor email opens, track engagement, and see which email subject lines work best. Whether you’re testing personalized subject lines or catchy subject lines, MailTracker gives you real-time insights to improve your campaigns.

Now, let’s dive back into more examples!

5. "Uh-oh, Your Cart is About to Expire!"

Here we have, an example from Adidas.

If your business deals with cart abandonment, adding urgency and a conversational tone like Adidas does can help nudge customers to complete their purchases.

This approach works well in any industry where customers frequently abandon their carts.

adidas newsletter subject line
Source: Milled

6. "What You Missed Last Week"

If your business involves content or newsletter distribution, using a subject line that highlights missed content can keep your audience engaged.

Whether it’s weekly updates or exclusive content, FOMO can be a strong motivator.

7. "Top 10 Travel Destinations You Need to Visit in 2024"

Lonely Planet’s email subject line taps into the popularity of listicles and future travel trends.

If your business is in the travel or lifestyle industry, you can use list-based subject lines to offer curated experiences or tips that drive curiosity and engagement.

Lonely planet newsletter subject line
Source: Milled

8. "Your Free Trial Ends Tomorrow – Upgrade Now"

This example from Netflix illustrates how urgent personalized reminders can prompt action.

If you offer subscription-based services, this type of reminder subject line can help encourage users to take the next step, such as upgrading or renewing their plan.

9. "Your Next Getaway is Calling…"

Here is an example from Airbnb. If you're in the travel industry or offer experiences, you can use inviting and conversational tones like this to appeal to your audience's desire for adventure.

Even if you're not in travel, you can adapt this for any service or product that inspires excitement and imagination.

Airbnb newsletter subject line
Source: Milled

10. "You’re Invited: Exclusive VIP Event"

This is another email subject line, used if you want to make your customers feel special, emphasizing exclusivity in your subject line is an excellent way to create a sense of privilege and importance.

It’s a great approach for businesses hosting sales, events, or offering exclusive deals.

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Looking to improve your email subject lines for prospects? We've got you covered. Check out our article specifically for email prospecting and learn how to craft winning emails that capture attention and drive engagement.

11. "Happy Birthday! Here’s a Special Treat"

This example from Starbucks shows how effective personalized birthday emails can be in building loyalty.

If your business collects birthday data from your customers, sending them a personalized offer on their special day can increase engagement and make them feel appreciated.

12. "The Sneakers You Love Are Back in Stock!"

Nike’s restock notifications are a powerful example of how to tap into customers’ interests.

If your business frequently experiences stock replenishment, use this type of personalized subject line to notify customers about products they’ve previously shown interest in.

If you are not selling sneakers in this case, you can add another product instead of sneakers.

13. "Is Your Website Mobile-Ready?"

This subject line addresses a critical pain point for businesses.

If your business offers services that solve specific problems, highlighting this in the subject line can catch your audience’s attention and position your company as a valuable resource.

14. "Your Order Has Shipped!"

Amazon’s shipping notification is a classic example of a transactional email that provides value and reassurance to customers.

If your business involves shipping products, use similar subject lines to keep customers informed and engaged with your brand.

15. "Recommended Just For You"

Netflix’s personalized email subject line is a great example of using customer data to suggest tailored content.

Whether you run an e-commerce store or provide services, using personalized recommendations based on past behavior can significantly increase open rates and customer satisfaction.

Netflix newsletter subject line
Source: Milled

16. "Big News: We’re Launching Something Special"

Apple teases its audience with a subject line that builds curiosity and anticipation.

If your business is launching a new product or service, you can use a similar approach to excite your audience without revealing too much information upfront.

This subject line can work well for many products.

17. "Your Week in Photos"

Google Photos' email subject line is a great example of personalized recaps that engage users emotionally.

If your business deals with content or moments that matter to your customers, using this type of personalized subject line can encourage them to relive those moments and engage further with your brand.

18. "Just Arrived: New Styles for Fall"

This is a seasonal email marketing that works by tapping into the customer's desire for fresh, new products.

If your business is tied to seasonal trends or product launches, using "Just Arrived" email subject lines can create excitement and urgency for new arrivals.

19. "Need Help? Check Out Our FAQ"

This subject line from PayPal provides immediate value by addressing the customer’s potential need for support.

So in this case, if your business provides customer service or has an FAQ section, a subject line like this can help improve the customer experience by offering quick solutions.

20. "Here’s Your Statement for August"

This is an example of clear and informative communication.

If your business involves monthly billing or regular financial updates, a straightforward subject line like this is highly relevant and almost guaranteed to be opened by your customers.

21. "End of Season Sale – Up to 70% Off"

This is a great example if you are running a sale, highlighting the savings percentage like this can motivate customers to open the email and shop before the deals expire.

22. "Join Our Live Webinar This Thursday"

This subject line example is effective because it provides valuable educational content and specifies a date, creating urgency.

If you will host soon webinars, workshops, or events, use a similar approach so you can encourage people to sign up and attend.

23. "Your Subscription is About to Expire"

This is a reminder email, which creates urgency, prompting customers to take action before they lose access to a service they enjoy.

If your business relies on subscriptions or memberships, sending a reminder like this can increase renewal rates and keep customers engaged.

24. "Flash Deal: Book Your Dream Vacation"

Expedia’s subject line uses scarcity to create a sense of urgency.

If your business runs flash sales or offers time-limited promotions, using “Flash Deal” in your subject line can prompt customers to act quickly to take advantage of the special offer.

25. "Your Personalized Fitness Plan is Ready"

This subject line targets directly the recipient’s fitness goals.

If your business provides personalized products or services, using subject lines like this can make your email feel more relevant and actionable to your customers.

26. "Your Weekly Digest is Ready"

This example from LinkedIn is a great way to summarize relevant content for busy professionals. 

So if you are sending out weekly updates or newsletters, a similar subject line can provide value and keep your audience informed without overwhelming them.

27. "We’ve Got the Perfect Gift for You"

This is a gift suggestion email that helps customers find the perfect item during holidays or special occasions.

If you are selling products that can be given as gifts, personalized gift suggestions can help drive sales, especially during peak seasons.

28. "Your Order Is Ready for Pickup"

This is a transactional email that provides value by notifying customers that their order is ready.

If your business offers in-store pickup or curbside delivery, this type of subject line keeps customers informed and prompts quick action.

29. "You’re Almost There! Complete Your Profile Today"

This subject line is about completing a profile that encourages users to take action.

If your business involves user-generated profiles or onboarding processes, a subject line like this can help improve engagement and completion rates.

30. "Time to Fly! Exclusive Deals Inside"

This is a great example from Airline companies, which creates urgency while offering exclusive deals.

If your business offers promotions or time-sensitive offers, you can use a similar approach to create excitement around upcoming opportunities.

31. "Upgrade Today and Unlock Premium Features"

Microsoft often uses this type of subject line to encourage users to upgrade their accounts.

So, if you are offering a freemium model, a subject line that highlights premium features can nudge users to consider upgrading their plan.

This is another example from Microsoft:

Microsoft newsletter subject line

Source: Milled

32. "Security Alert: Important Updates on Your Account"

A security-focused subject line like this one from Google can grab attention quickly.

If your business deals with sensitive information or services, keeping customers informed about security updates can build trust and increase open rates.

Use Email Tracking Apps to Monitor Your Open Rates

To optimize your email marketing and increase engagement, it's crucial to track your email open rates.

An email tracking app lets you see when recipients interact with your emails and helps identify which email subject lines are most effective.

MailTracker open rate

Whether you're testing funny email subject lines, personalized email subject lines, or catchy subject lines, tracking your open rates provides valuable insights into what resonates with your audience.

A well-crafted subject line can greatly improve open rates, but it's essential to know which type of subject line draws the most attention.

By analyzing different types of subject lines—whether you're experimenting with good email subject lines for a sales process, newsletter subject lines, or even a single catchy email subject line—you can fine-tune your messaging to better fit your brand voice.

Tracking also helps you avoid common mistakes, such as using spam trigger words, which can hurt deliverability.

With real-time data, you can see how each subject line works, which subject lines make the biggest impact, and how different subject lines perform across your email marketing campaigns.

MailTracker open rate

Track Your Open Rates with MailTracker

Get the most out of your email marketing campaign with MailTracker. Monitor open rates, send emails at the best times, and improve your results with real-time data.

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