18 ChatGPT Follow-Up Email Templates and Prompts

Sales strategy
Juliette Belfiore
30 September 2024


Follow-up emails are an important part of professional communication.

Whether you're reminding a client about a quote, following up on a job interview, sending a business email, or sending a gentle reminder, crafting the perfect follow-up can be tricky.

This is where ChatGPT comes in handy. It can assist in writing polished, professional, and personalized follow-up emails in a matter of seconds.

In this article, we’ll explore how you can use ChatGPT for writing follow-up emails and provide you with 18 examples for various situations, including drafting an email sequence to engage potential customers.

No more worrying about the tone, structure, or wording—ChatGPT is your friend.

What is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT, created by OpenAI, is an advanced AI that produces text responses resembling human conversation based on the prompts provided to it.

The model is continuously updated, and its latest iterations, such as GPT-4, have significantly improved its ability to understand and generate text in natural language.

The AI is not only useful for conversational tasks but is also highly effective in automating everyday tasks like drafting emails, especially follow-up emails that require diplomacy, professionalism, and the right tone.

Why Use ChatGPT for Follow-up Emails?

Before diving into more examples, let’s quickly review why ChatGPT is perfect for follow-up emails:

  • Efficiency: Writing personalized emails for different use cases can be time-consuming. ChatGPT generates well-structured friendly and professional tone emails quickly, saving you time and effort.
  • Customization: With a few ChatGPT prompts, you can create tailored emails that fit the specific tone and context of the previous conversation.
  • Professionalism: AI-generated emails maintain the right level of formality and professionalism, reducing the risk of sending poorly worded messages while ensuring each email has a clear call to action.
  • Consistency: Following up on emails often requires consistency. ChatGPT can help maintain a uniform tone across multiple follow-ups.

18 ChatGPT Prompts and Follow-up Emails

Here is how to write follow up emails using ChatGPT-4. Below are 18 more examples and use cases to help address specific challenges and ensure an effective follow up email strategy.

1. Follow-up on an Unanswered Quote

If a client hasn’t responded to your quote, a polite reminder can nudge them without appearing pushy.

ChatGPT Prompt: "My client hasn’t responded to the quote I sent last week. Can you write a follow-up email?"

chatgpt follow up example

ChatGPT’s Response: Subject: Follow-up on Your Quote Request

Hi [Client Name],

I hope you're doing well. I wanted to follow up on the quote I sent last week regarding the [project name].

The quote outlines [details of services and pricing], and I'm confident that we can deliver exceptional results within the agreed scope.

Our solution offers a great value proposition by delivering [specific benefits or features], and I’d love to move forward with the project. Please let me know how you'd like to proceed.

I’d love to move forward with the project and am available to discuss any concerns or further details you might have.

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Best regards,
[Your Name]

2. Follow-up on an Unpaid Invoice

Chasing payments can be awkward. ChatGPT helps you keep it professional yet direct.

ChatGPT Prompt: "My client hasn’t paid my invoice sent two weeks ago. Can you draft a follow-up?"

ChatGPT’s Response: Subject: Invoice Payment Reminder

Hi [Client Name],

I hope this message finds you well. I’m following up on the invoice I sent two weeks ago for the [project name]. According to our agreement, payment was due on [date], and as of now, the invoice remains unpaid.

If you’ve already processed the payment, please disregard this message. However, if you have any questions or would like to discuss the invoice further, I’m available for a follow up call to address any issues or concerns.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Best regards,
[Your Name]

3. Job Interview Follow-up

Sending a follow-up after a job interview is an opportunity to reaffirm your interest in the position.

ChatGPT Prompt: "I had a job interview last week, and I want to follow up to express my interest. Can you help me write that?"

ChatGPT’s Response: Subject Line: Thank You – Follow-up on [Job Title] Interview

Dear [Hiring Manager's Name],

I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to express my gratitude once again for the chance to interview for the [Job Title] position at [Company Name]. It was a pleasure to learn more about the role and your team.

After our conversation, I’m even more enthusiastic about the opportunity to contribute to your team, and I believe that my experience in [relevant skills] would allow me to make a meaningful impact.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any further questions or need additional information.

Thank you for considering me for the position.

Best regards,
[Your Name]

4. Follow-up After a Networking Event

After a business event or meetup, it’s a good idea to stay connected with potential partners or clients. ChatGPT can help you craft a professional yet friendly follow-up.

ChatGPT Prompt: "I met someone at a networking event and would like to schedule a meeting to discuss potential collaborations. Can you help me write a follow-up?"

ChatGPT’s Response: Subject Line: Great Connecting with You at [Event Name]

Hi [Contact’s Name],

I hope you’re doing well. It was a pleasure meeting you at [Event Name] last week, and I really enjoyed our conversation about [shared interest or project].

I’d love the opportunity to continue our discussion and explore potential ways we could collaborate. Would you be open to meeting for coffee sometime next week? I’m available on [propose dates and times].

Looking forward to your reply!

Best regards,
[Your Name]

5. Requesting an Interview for a Podcast

If you run a podcast or blog, getting industry experts on board can elevate your content. ChatGPT can help you send a professional tone invitation.

Prompt: "I’d like to invite an entrepreneur for an interview on my podcast. Could you draft a follow-up email for this?"

ChatGPT’s Response: Subject: Invitation to Be a Guest on [Podcast Name]

Hi [Entrepreneur’s Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I’m the host of [Podcast Name], a show where we explore the journeys and insights of industry leaders. I’ve followed your work closely, and I believe your experiences would offer valuable insights to our audience.

Would you be open to joining us for an episode? We’d love to have you share your story and thoughts on [specific topic].

Let me know if you’re interested, and we can schedule a time that works best for you.

Best regards,
[Your Name]

6. Following Up After Sending a Proposal

Sometimes clients take longer to make decisions after reviewing a proposal. A gentle reminder can help them move forward.

Prompt: "I sent a business proposal last week, and I haven't heard back yet. Can you help me draft a follow-up?"

chatgpt follow up example

ChatGPT’s Response: Subject: Follow-up on Business Proposal

Hi [Client Name],

I hope you’re doing well. I’m following up on the proposal I sent over last week regarding [project name]. I wanted to see if you had any concerns raised or if there’s any further information I can provide.

I’m excited about the potential of working together and would be happy to discuss the proposal in more detail if needed.

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Best regards,
[Your Name]

7. Follow-up on a Sales Inquiry

If someone has expressed interest in your product but hasn’t made a decision, it’s important to follow up and keep the conversation going.

Prompt: "A potential customer asked for information about our product, but I haven’t heard back since. Can you write a follow-up email?"

ChatGPT’s Response: Subject: Checking In on Your Product Inquiry

Hi [Customer Name],

I wanted to follow up on the initial message I sent regarding [product name]. I’m happy to answer any further inquiries you might have or provide additional details to help with your decision.

Let me know how you’d like to proceed, and I’d be happy to assist.

Best regards,
[Your Name]

8. Follow-up After Sending a Contract

When you've sent a contract and haven’t received any updates, a polite reminder can help move things forward.

Prompt: "I sent a contract for a client to review, but haven’t heard back. Can you draft a follow-up email?"

ChatGPT’s Response: Subject: Follow-up on Contract for [Project Name]

Hi [Client Name],

I wanted to check in and see if you had a chance to review the contract I sent over for [project name]. If you have any questions or need clarification, I’d be happy to discuss.

Looking forward to your thoughts and next steps!

Best regards,
[Your Name]

9. Following Up After a Webinar

After hosting a webinar, following up with attendees can help you engage them further or convert them into customers.

Prompt: "I hosted a webinar last week and would like to send a follow-up email to attendees. Can you help?"

ChatGPT’s Response: Subject: Thank You for Attending Our Webinar

Hi [Attendee Name],

Thank you for attending our webinar on [topic] last week. I hope you found the session insightful and valuable.

If you have any questions or would like to learn more about how our solutions can benefit you, feel free to reach out. We’re excited to help you further.

Best regards,
[Your Name]

10. Follow-up After a Cold Email

Cold emails can be a great way to reach new prospects, but you may not always receive immediate responses. A follow-up email can help reignite interest.

Prompt: "I sent a cold email to a potential client last week and haven’t heard back. Can you help with a follow-up?"

ChatGPT’s Response: Subject: Following Up on My Previous Email

Hi [Client Name],

I wanted to follow up on my previous email regarding [product/service]. I believe we could offer significant value to your business, and I’d love to discuss how we can collaborate.

If you’re interested, let me know a convenient time for a brief call or meeting.

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Best regards,
[Your Name]

11. Follow-up After a Demo

After demonstrating your product or service, it’s important to follow up to answer any remaining questions and close the deal.

Prompt: "I gave a product demo to a potential client and want to send a follow-up email to see if they have any follow up questions. Can you help?"

ChatGPT’s Response: Subject: Follow-up on Product Demo

Hi [Client Name],

I hope you enjoyed the demo of [product name]. I wanted to follow up and see if you had any additional questions or if there’s anything else I can clarify.

We’re excited to help you move forward and would love to assist you in implementing the solution.

Best regards,
[Your Name]

12. Follow-up on a Marketing Campaign

If you've sent out a marketing campaign but haven’t received much feedback, a follow-up email can remind your audience about your offer.

Prompt: "We launched an email marketing campaign a week ago, but the response has been slow. Can you write a follow-up email?"

chatgpt follow up example

ChatGPT’s Response: Subject: Don’t Miss Out on Our Special Offer!

Hi [Customer Name],

I wanted to remind you about our special offer on [product/service], available for a limited time. This is a great opportunity to take advantage of [specific benefits].

If you have any questions or need further information, feel free to reach out. We’d love to help you get started!

Best regards,
[Your Name]

13. Following Up After a Collaboration Proposal

If you've pitched a collaboration and haven’t received a response, a follow-up can reignite the conversation.

Prompt: "I proposed a collaboration to a partner, but I haven’t heard back. Can you help with a follow-up?"

ChatGPT’s Response: Subject: Follow-up on Collaboration Proposal

Hi [Partner’s Name],

I wanted to follow up on the collaboration proposal I shared regarding [project details]. I believe this partnership could bring great value to both of us, and I’d love to hear your thoughts.

Please let me know if you’d like to discuss this further.

Best regards,
[Your Name]

14. Follow-up After a Sponsorship Request

If you’ve requested sponsorship and haven’t received a response, sending a follow-up email can help you keep the conversation alive.

Prompt: "I sent a sponsorship request a week ago but haven’t heard back. Can you help with a follow-up?"

ChatGPT’s Response: Subject: Follow-up on Sponsorship Request

Hi [Sponsor’s Name],

I wanted to follow up on the sponsorship request I sent last week for [event/cause]. I believe your involvement could make a significant impact, and I’d love to explore ways we can work together.

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Best regards,
[Your Name]

15. Follow-up After a Project Meeting

After a project kickoff meeting, sending a follow-up email ensures everyone is on the same page and clear about the next steps.

Prompt: "We had a project meeting yesterday, and I want to follow up with the team on the next steps. Can you help?"

ChatGPT’s Response: Subject: Follow-up on [Project Name] Meeting

Hi Team,

I wanted to follow up on our meeting from yesterday regarding [project name]. As discussed, here are the next steps we outlined:

  • [Task 1]
  • [Task 2]
  • [Task 3]

Please let me know if you have any questions or need further clarification.

Best regards,
[Your Name]

16. Follow-up After a Customer Feedback Request

If you've asked a customer for feedback and haven’t received a response, a gentle follow-up can help.

Prompt: "I requested feedback from a customer but haven’t heard back. Can you help with a follow-up?"

ChatGPT’s Response: Subject: Follow-up on Feedback Request

Hi [Customer’s Name],

I wanted to follow up on my previous request for feedback on your experience with [product/service]. Your insights are valuable to us, and we’d love to hear how we can improve.

If you have a few moments, we’d appreciate any feedback you can provide.

Best regards,
[Your Name]

17. Follow-up on a Partnership Inquiry

If you’re seeking a business partnership and haven’t received a response, a polite follow-up can help reopen the conversation.

Prompt: "I inquired about a potential partnership and haven’t heard back. Can you write a follow-up email?"

ChatGPT’s Response: Subject: Partnership Inquiry Follow-up

Hi [Contact’s Name],

I wanted to follow up on my inquiry about a potential partnership between [your company] and [their company]. I believe we could create something great together, and I’d love to discuss the possibilities further.

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Best regards,
[Your Name]

18. Follow-up After a Customer Support Interaction

After resolving a customer support issue, a follow-up email can ensure customer satisfaction.

Prompt: "We resolved a customer support issue, and I want to follow up to ensure the customer is satisfied. Can you help with a follow-up email?"

ChatGPT’s Response: Subject: Follow-up on Your Support Experience

Hi [Customer’s Name],

I hope everything is going well after our recent interaction regarding [issue]. I wanted to follow up to make sure everything is resolved to your satisfaction.

If you have any further questions or need additional assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Best regards,
[Your Name]

Track Follow-Up Emails with MailTracker for Free

Don’t just stop at sending follow-up emails—make sure you’re tracking their success as well.

MailTracker tracked emails

With MailTracker, you can see exactly when someone opened your email, how many times they’ve viewed it, and even the time and location of their engagement.

With MailTracker insights, you can adjust your strategy and send follow-up emails at the best times to increase your open rate.

Plus, with MailTracker’s Chrome extension, you can manage and track your emails in Gmail real time.

Add MailTracker to Chrome today for free.

Email tracking for Gmail

Track every emails and documents that you’ll be send. Know exactly who and when your PDF are opened and never miss an opportunity to follow up again.

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